QS World University Rankings 2022 YearbookPublished by QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited.1 Tranley Mews, Fleet Road, LondonNW3 2DG United Kingdom qs.com1st edition, May 2022.
The content of this publication is protected by international copyright. No part of it may be copiedor reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher. For permission, please write to Anton John Crace anton@qs.com.
AcknowledgementsQS would like to thank the advertisers in this edition, the editorial contributors, and the manycolleagues who provided their thoughts and time, including:Ben Sowter, Jason Newman, Leigh Kamolins, Jacques de Champchesnel, Monica Hornung Cattan,Anton John Crace, Shukri Abdullah, Sarah Ain Arbain, Madalina Ardeleanu, Alex Berka, PriyankaBiswas, Juan Carlos, Nilly Chingate Castano, E Way Chong, Joel Chowry, Gabriel Maschiao daCosta, Afifah Darke, Ashwin Fernandes, Dmytro Filchenko, Indira Ghosh, Gitanjali Goswami, RalucaGrigorescu, Ludovic Highman, Shadi Hijazi, Roxana Ionica, Azmi Iskandar, Frances James, MartinJuno, Daniel Kahn, Kek Yea Yin, Kashif Khan, Neha Kirpalani, Suzie Knight, Aditya Kumbhavdekar,Enzo Kuo, Chloe Lane, Annabel Light, Drew MacFarlane, Product Manager, Henna Mansuri,Fernando Coca Martin-Romo, Juan Carlos Mejia Cuartas, Alessandro Messina, Paul Meynell,Tagreed Mustafa, David Myers, Kendrick Ng, Craig O’Callaghan, Veronica Omeni, Kesh Patel,Jeroen Prinsen, Kuldeep Reddy, Siti Norsyuhada Modh Roffeei, Shiloh Rose, David Ryan, RashmiSharma, Khushboo Singh, Padmashree Sorate, Chris Strods, Sharifah Nadia Syed, Vineet Thakur,Simran Uklekar, Marta Vazquez, Mirela Vlasceanu, Florence Webb, Wei Wei, Jia Ying Wong, SamuelWong, Kusum Yadav, Tony Yang , Yuh Ming Yap.
Thanks also to Dr Haifa Al Kaylani, Claudia Civinini, Amie Edwards-McLean, John O’Leary, andNiamh Ollerton for their contributions and advice.
Yearbook Cover design: Alessandro MessinaHigher Ed Report and QS-GEN cover design: Annabel Light, Alessandro Messina, and David Myers.
Additional design: Kek Yea Yin.
Notes on data and tables.
Every effort has been made to ensure information contained in this book is accurate. However,with the volume of data, the authors cannot give a total guarantee. The publisher sincerely regretsany inaccuracies and is grateful for them to be brought to its attention. Further, limited pagespace, translation, and the need for stylistic editing means that some university names have hadto be abbreviated (e.g. University = Uni, Technology = Tech etc). Please always refer to universitiesdirectly to confirm full and correct names. In addition, where universities are ranked in bands - e.g.151 – 200 - a broad alphabetical approach has been taken based on a selected key word in a name;the banded list does not imply that the institution 200th spot is of any lower ranking than that in151st. The publisher realises that sometimes selected key words may differ from that which theuniversity or business school might itself have selected and which could potentially have given it adifferent position in the presented band list.
For the most complete and up to date data for all QS Rankings, please see topuniversities.comand topmba.com