美国渔业统计年鉴 Fisheries of the United States内容全,且有很多全球数据,渔业经济研究必备
1. Cover,Preface, Table of Contents, and Review
2. U.S.Commercial Fishery Landings
- Estimated U.S. Production
- Species
- Disposition
- Regions and States
- Ports
- Catch by species and distance from shore
- U.S. Landings for Territorial Possessions
- U.S. Aquaculture Estimated Production
- Top Recreational and Commercial Species
3. U.S.Aquaculture
- Estimated U.S. Production
- Production by Region
- World Aquaculture
4. U.S.Marine Recreational Fisheries
- Review
- Harvest by species
- Harvest by distance-from-shore and species group
- Harvest and total live releases by species group
- Finfish harvest and releases by state
- Number of anglers and trips by state
5. WorldFisheries
- World Aquaculture & Commercial Catches
- Countries, Continents & Oceans
- Species groups & Disposition
- Imports and exports, by leading countries
6. U.S.Production of Processed Fishery Products
- Review
- Value
- Fish sticks, fish portions, and breaded shrimp
- Fillets and steaks
- Canned
- Industrial
7. ForeignTrade
- Review
- Trade balance (addition)
U.S. Imports:
- Principal items
- Edible and nonedible
- Continent and country
- Groundfish fillets and steaks, species & blocks
- Canned tuna and quota
- Shrimp, by country of origin
- Shrimp, by product type
- Industrial
U.S. Exports:
- Edible and nonedible
- Principal items
- Edible and nonedible
- Continent and country
- Shrimp and lobster
- Salmon and surimi
- Crab
- Industrial
8. U.S.Supply
- Edible and nonedible
- Finfish and shellfish
- Blocks, fillets and steaks
- Tuna, fresh and frozen
- Salmon, fresh and frozen
- Canned salmon, tuna
- Crab, king, snow, crabmeat
- Lobster
- Clams, oysters, scallops
- Shrimp
- Industrial
9. Per Capita
- Review
- U.S. consumption
- Consumption by product
- World consumption-by region and country
- U.S. use
10. ValueAdded
- for the Value Added Table
11. IndustryInformation
Index of ExvesselPrices
- Review
Processors andWholesalers
- Processors and wholesalers: plants and employment
Fishery Products andInspection
12. GeneralInformation
Magnuson-StevensFishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA)
- General
- Regional Fishery Management Councils
GeneralAdministrative Information
- Headquarters
- Regions
- Statistical offices
NOAA Library
Sea Grant
Federal Inspection Marks for Fishery Products
Sea Grant
Federal Inspection Marks for Fishery Products